Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 3. Delicious

To say truth I've never liked social bookmarking. When I saw weekly assignments I was upset. But when I've tried I liked it. It is the very first time I am bookmarking, so I am not sure if I do it very well. I like the option when you can add tags, change them later, regroup and so on. I also like the feature which let to add site from other users. I have added lots of sites from you, my colleagues! Follow button is good too.

Here you can find out how to create your delicious page:
And here is my delicious page:


  1. Hi Jurgita:

    There are a lot of tools that we get to sample in webskills. It is a bit like a smörgåsbord. You don't have to go back and have seconds of the things you don't like, but it is probably good to sample everything at least once.

    If you could turn off word verification step 6 from our handout below then it would make it easier for your readers to post to your blog.

    Thanks! Robert

  2. Hello Robert,

    I like that there are a lot of tools which I can try. Before trying Delicious, I haven't used any social bookmarking, and I even thought that it's wasting time. But now I changed my mind - I see how bookmarking can save time. Thank you for letting to explore new things.


    P.S. I turned off word verification.
